research question 6

Which is the orientation of the most viewed videos about feminism and which is the reaction of the users?


Description Protocol Data


If the fifth protocol is about the analysis of the top-down vision of feminism through the speeches of its stakeholders, this protocol investigates the bottom-up perspective over the most viewed “feminist” content on youtube. The interactive scatter plot’s intent is to highlight the reactions of the most viewed videos that come up searching for “feminism” on Youtube while underlying the orientation of the content, in feminist, antifeminist or neutral. The x axis represents the number of comments, while the y axis is for the number of reactions and the dimension of the circle is proportional to the number of views.

Rolling over with the cursor the scale of the chart becomes logarithmic, making the data visualization more readable, specially where the concentration of datas overlaps. It is also important to underline that the user’s reactions aren’t always connected to the number of views, in fact the video with most replies and interaction isn’t, unexpectedly, the most viewed. It’s possible to notice how the great majority of the videos is antifeminist and that they also generates the greatest number of views, reactions and comments, while the feminist videos are fewer and with less reactions/comments. It’s very interesting how as soon as we lift the ceiling of the mainstream perspective, the prevalence of content is produced by common users and it’s antifeminist.


example of protocol

To understand the user’s behaviour we decided to search for “feminism” on Youtube and filter the videos from the most to the less viewed. Then we considered the first 100 results and visualized the relationship between number of views, orientation (feminist/antifeminist) and number of comments and reactions.


Data Source: Youtube
Timestamp: 02/12/2018
View Data (47KB)